Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I don't know if you’ve seen these or not. (I've posted some of these once before on my blog) Demotivator posters are take offs on how corporate America has become filled with cliché. Motivational posters, quotes and advice seem to haunt every wall, computer and meeting room. Yet somehow all of this motivation doesn't seem to make people more productive.

You can check out their website at: for a twisted laugh or two.

Anyway, some of them are absolutely hilarious. Here are some I laughed at and thought they contained a lot of truth in them.




Anonymous said...

That's certianly waht corporate America feels like! :) Nice site!
More later, gotta go fight with Gene Cruzen. See ya!

preacherprater said...

Matt, glad to have you stop by. Hope things are going well with you and your family. I need to give you a call sometime and we'll catch up! Hope you guys have a great Turkey-Day. Tell the family I said hello. Tell Gene I said hi too. Tell him I still think that "husband of one wife" (i.e., elders qualifications) doesn't mean only been married one time. :) :)!!! Good luck with him!
